Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wordless Wednesday - Faces n Phases of Marcus

Day 2 of life - Hello world!!

November - released from NICU, on my way home
December - Getting chubby and cooing away

January - I can sit up....with a lil assitance of course

February - tummy time on mummy's insistence 

March - getting the toesies wet

April - all smiles

May  - my serious face for the paparazzi

June  - face of the month -  my teeth are coming  

July - excitement! mummy's coming to take me out of prison

August - at brunch - absolutely no table manners

September - my favourite spot, the beach. I'm fearless!!!

October 5, 2012 - WE survived a year!!! Woo hoo!!! Where's my cake??

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Birth Story Day 2 Part I: Spa Day or D-Day

Lesson #2: Life really is like a box of chocolates, you are only in control of so much of your life.

Peter Island

Sunday October 2, 2011. It was a great day in paradise like many other days living on a beautiful island. I had survived the backache and phantom fever the previous day and night and I was ready to resume enjoying my pregnancy. I had plans...a day on Peter Island with my girlfiriends.

Admittedly, when I rolled out of bed I still didn't feel like my old self and after having breakfast and moving around a bit I felt what could only be described as minor menstrual cramps. Nothing painful just once again uncomfortable. At this point I'm not thinking I'm in labour or even that I should see a doctor. My water hadn't broke and I wasn't doubling over in pain so I figured I was good to go.

I hopped on the ferry and was off to have a lovely day in the sun. By the time we arrived on Peter Island the cramps had intensified so I called my trusty doctor friend (Dr. S) and asked her what I should do. She advised that I had probably contracted a UTI which was very common in pregnancies (yes, I had read that as well) and that I should take some pain killers, get some rest, drink lots of fluids and come see her in the morning.  Sounded like solid advice and so the hunt for pain killers began. I can't remember what we found but I know we googled the brand to determine whether it was safe. I think up to this point I had successfully managed to avoid any kind of medications, hadn't caught a cold, no headaches etc...I was on #teamhealthypregnancy all the way. But now in my 3rd trimester I was taking a pain killer for a UTI? Par for the course I guess.

I recall walking into the spa and realising that it was too difficult to stand up for long periods I went to have a seat as my friends checked in. The lady at the front desk seeing my condition suggested I take a dip in the pool and relax... and so I did.

The relief I felt was extraordinary.

After relaxing for a while we headed to the beach for lunch. At this point I was feeling pretty good. Maybe it was the painkillers, maybe it was the ambience, but the cramps were dulled and I was in a good mood.

Outside Deadman's Beach Bar & Grill on Peter Island
Do I look like I'm in labour?
  Of course my girlfriends we freaking out as soon as they heard the word 'cramps' mentioned wondering if the motion of the boat on our return trip could induce labour. With them fussing continuously over me we cut our day short and headed back to the main land after lunch.

When I returned home I decided to take a nap hoping to feel better when I awoke. Unfortunately I didn't and on one trip to the bathroom, that 'doubled over in pain' feeling I spoke about earlier hit me like a mac truck. All of a sudden I couldn't walk upright. I immediately called everyone I knew in close proximity and was rushed to the hospital.

At the hospital I sat and waited and waited. I filled out forms, answered stupid questions and waited to see a doctor, all the time thinking to myself 'well clearly they don't think this is serious'. By the time I was able to see Dr. S I KNEW I was in labour, no one had to tell me that. Every few minutes I was doubled over in pain. I was sent to do a urine test and while in the bathroom I was hit was a surge of pain that caused me to hold on the basin for dear life and yell "Good God!" When I walked outside everyone was staring at me and I was actually slightly embarrassed. In my head I shouted "None  y'all never seen a pregnant woman in labour?" but I just kept on walking. I was then given some meds for the pain, they DID NOT work. On the examination table the look on Dr. S' face said it all...something was not right.

Okay so you might ask, where was my obstetrician Dr. P.Well for one, he is a politician, and it was election time, secondly, it was Sunday. Do the math. He was just not answering his phone. Lucky for me he was on the hospital grounds seeing to another patient and literally just happened to be walking through the ER to leave. His first reaction to seeing me in stirrups was "What's going on here?" Dr. S' response: "Doc, I think you better have a look yourself." Dr. P (impatent voice) "No you tell me". They closed the curtain and whispered to each other for 2 minutes, then he comes in, takes a peek between my legs and very calmly rests his hand on my stomach and waits for the next contraction. He says that I'm in preterm labour. Hmmm really doc?? You don't say!!! Then calmly states: "You could very well have this baby tonight. Dr. S have her taken up to the maternity ward, we wouldn't want her to have the baby in the ER". Apparently that was a major concern.

Everything that happened from thereon out until I reached the maternity ward is a blurr, I can't even remember who was holding my hand. Someone was telling me to breathe but they have no face.

As I recall these events a year later they may seen comical but I awas terrified beyond measure. This was not my plan. I had never contemplated having this baby before December 21. But as they say "make plans, God laughs". 

Monday, October 1, 2012

Birth Story Day 1: A hint of Labour

Lesson #1: Listen to your body, only you know when something's just not right. 

I know its been forever since I have written but I've been pretty busy with...well... life and its been really good to me.

A quick run down of the last few months: we moved house into this great spacious 3 bedroom, 3 and a half bath house for a steal of a deal. We love that there is so much floor space for M to move in...and move he does. I fear he may never walk because he creeps at lightning speed and gets where he needs to super fast. We are also finally getting into a rhythm that works for our family. Resuming extra curricular activites, gym, work and balancing that with a healthy family life is not easy. I am back on track at work, involved in community work once more and recently signed up for a half-marathon (don't ask I needed more on my plate), so I'm presently focused on training for that monster of a challenge.

Evertime M hits a new milestone or is a month older I say I'm gonna start blogging again but frankly and honestly I just haven't had or made the time. I don't want to even look at a computer once I get I'm doing this during my lunch hour :) With plans underway to celebrate M's first year of life I thought it would be nice to walk down memory lane: this time last year.

1 October 2011 was a Saturday and I remember that day very clearly. As usual I was just happy to do just put up my feet, laze around the house and do absolutely nothing. The previous night I had visited a children's home with my Rotary club to make kites. Suffice to say I had never made a kite in my entire life (a skill that will no doubt come in handy in the future), but it was an evening well spent having fun with the kids and channelling our creativity.

Trying with my 2 left hands to tie my sticks together

What stands out about that night is a comment made by a friend who said "I hope you have your bags packed, you could go anytime now".  I laughed of course as I was only 28 weeks along and had tons of time and wobbling to go....or so I thought. I was feeling great so there was absolutely no need to worry or go into panic mode just yet. The items for my hospital bag was still in their Kmart shopping bag in the back of the closet.

So the next morning when I woke up I was a shocked to realise that I had some slight back pain, more like discomfort, nothing alarming, but nonetheless new to me. I convinced myself this was all par for the course. I'd been lucky so far with no major complaints, weren't the last few months supposed to be at least 'uncomfortable'? I spent the entire day sitting on my exercise ball rocking back and forth as no position was comfortable and was grateful for the antics of my partner to distract me to help the day pass. By nightfall however I was feeling very cold and swore I had a tempaerature. My partner said I was over reacting and I again convinced myself that this was normal. Hadn't I read that pregnant women usually have fluctuating temperatures? (Yeah I'd read a LOT!) I decided to take a shower and have a nap. Sometime during the night I started to sweat perfusely but in a few hours I felt okay and was able to get a good night's rest.

What happened when I awoke the next morning is a whole different story...but tomorrow for that.