This is Master M the one whom my entire life revolves around. I gave birth to my gorgeous son 4 months 3 weeks ago and since then I have been enjoying motherhood to the fullest. My little one really is one of the sweetest babies ever (and no I'm just not saying that)....he's just so content and peaceful, not fussy at all. I really can't complain!! I hear horror stories from other new moms about how their child cries constantly, or won't sleep for more that 30 minutes at any time, but everyone is simply amazed at how relaxed, good natured and laid back he is, a quality he gets from both his parents :) Once you're on time with his bottle, he's the happiest little camper.
I know I have been scarce, practically non-existent on this blog since his birth and truthfully I would have had it no other way, but I thought today would be a great time to break the silence....why? This morning I awoke at 6:30 am to sounds of pumpkin babbling and screaming with joy. I had to pry my eyes open so I wouldn't miss the action as I still had another 30 minutes of shut eye to left, but he was insistent on being heard. Not needing any encouragement, just an audience he continued to entertain himself, oblivious to me watching on. It truly is amazing how easily babies can entertain themselves. His Auntie Oms says "Its the angels talking to him" and I always respond "Well he's getting an earful" because this child can carry on all on his own for a good while. The wee hours of the morning are pumpkin's happiest, after that long nap (he's now up to 7-8 hours of consistent sleep at night) he's ready to take on the world even if its 4am.
What else can I tell you about my little bundle by means of introduction:
1. He loves to smile at strange women (already a player)
2. He hates to be kissed in his face
3. He loves the outdoors, but doesn't fancy the sun much
4. He prefers people to toys on any given day
5. He has a high tolerance for pain (no doubt a threshold developed during his time in the NICU)
6. He already likes rough housing with daddy
Now that I have started to post again I have quite a bit to report about the last 4 months so stay tuned for more about the love of my life, motherhood and raising my lil man.
I celebrate life everyday, and to give thanks to God for the greatest gift he could have given me.
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