There is so much to say I don’t even know where to start, its been 4 months of constant 'stuff' for goodnesss sake! I guess I can start with why I’m doing this blog. Well, as any of my friends will tell you I am a very VERY private person, infact I read some people’s blogs sometimes and all I can think is: “Do they know the entire world is reading this?” don’t get me wrong some of that ish is as entertaining as it gets but “the joke’s on you” always, so I don’t think the self humiliation is worth it, most times. So why am I writing this now and you reading my every thought? Because I want to share…DESPERATELY, I want to shout from the mountain top that I have a miracle growing inside of me and I’m as happy as a pig in mud. On top of that I live far away from all my relatives and close friends and this is one way I can keep in touch with them, make them feel as if they are right here with me enjoying this journey.
I am passionate about a lot of things, human rights, the arts more specifically dance and theatre, health and exercise but those are things I need not write about because my daily actions convey those first loves. This precious gift from God, I HAVE to document and share.
So I hope you enjoy the next 21 weeks with me (gosh putting it like that makes it seem like an eternity), maybe you’ll laugh, maybe you’ll cry, or even kiss yah teeth but I hope above all you can just sit back and enjoy.
So here we go…..